Anyway. This struck me as pretty funny because, well, I used really really dislike Pugs. I actually hated them as a dog breed - and I don't really hate any dog breed because I love all dogs (except poodles. Absolutely under no circumstances are poodles EVER ok. They are the work of Satan. With the exception of 2 large black standard poodles that were special to me as a young girl - friends of the family owned them, Cozy and Elmo. Yes, as I was saying, with the exception of those two, Poodles should stop being bred immediately, thank you.) but the Pug was just weird to me. Not quite ugly enough to be cute like the Boston Terrier. However, slowly as the years passed my opinions began to change, and then, despite their various health issues, the little smoosh faced bug eyed puppies began to grow on me, and now, I rather like pugs. HOWEVER, what really changed my mind was my search for the perfect dog for me. I love bigger dogs, but know I will be in no position to own one until I have a house with a yard (don't get me started on large dogs in small spaces, don't even get me started...) and thus began looking (I spend many days searching - it's my secret addiction - I don't feel the need to discuss it thank you.) for a dog that was smaller, but RESEMBLED a larger breed. Having grown up with Cocker Spaniels, Old English Sheepdogs, and various other sundry creatures, I had really come to love hounds. The problem is most hounds are at least 50-60lbs to start. I know I know, not all of them, but the kinds I liked. I basically wanted a Mastiff/Vizla/Weimaraner/Bloodhound etc. only smaller. Well, such a dog did not exist. I searched and searched. I looked at every dog breed known to man. I looked at mutt after mutt, and nothing, no dog looked like a little mini (and I say that NOT meaning toy, tiny, rat dog - I don't have a lot of use for dogs that look like their legs could break if you really wanted to snap them) hound - you might say, "hey! A beagle is a hound." And I would say yes, but I didn't like their coloring or their howling. I had a Cocker Spaniel that had the most ridiculous howl that always sounds like he was being scalped alive if you left him alone in a room, no thank you. And then, oh and then! I came across what people were calling a "Puggle" - and my heart surged with joy! Oh dog of dogs, you are my canine soul mate - you are the perfect breed for me! Deep tan colors with black points, solid little body, the perfect hound shape, a wrinkled forehead, with big deep set human like eyes, a hound snout, and a perky tail to wag - all in a 15lb-20lb package- could it be any better?! Could there be a better fit?!?! NO! And then to read about their temperament - they love to run and play, but tire quickly and then are ready to snuggle on your lap, or next to you in bed. SHOOT AN ARROW THROUGH MY HEART I AM IN LOVE.

Ok so basically what I was getting at is that I have a new appreciation for Pugs considering by dog is half Pug and found this story really funny. Esp. when you click on the slideshow - it's a must!
*I feel I must give a disclaimer that every dog I've ever had has been known as "the best dog in the world" and I mean no disrespect or lack of love to my other dogs Polo (an Old English) Lucy (a Yellow Lab) and most especially my little monster girl, Cori (a Cocker Spaniel)

1 comment:
You might want to look into Pet Lovers Anonymous. You need help, Bear!!! Your addiction to the canine species is corrupting the very essence of your being! ;)
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