Growing up near the beach instills in your a quality you can't really explain to people who didn't grow up on the coast. I'm not quite sure what the 'je ne sais quoi' is. Which is the whole point of 'je ne sais quoi,' but my point being - it's great. When I visit home and head on down to the beach I start to relax. Any tensions from the day/week/month begin to melt away and I feel like I'm really "coming home" - I am the most comfortable in an area where there is sand and water. And yesterday I got to enjoy just that. MY beach (yes it belongs to everyone, but part of that feeling is a sense of ownership) was grand yesterday. I got up at 8 (if I'm beach bound you better believe I'm up with the sun. And for a normal bed/sleep junkie like myself, that's really saying something.) after only 4 hours of sleep and a night of debauchery, roused my roomate, and strolled out to the sand. (And yes I use spf 30 and I reapply) I plunked down a towel and didn't move until about 11am when my friend J. joined us. We even got in the water (the Atlantic is normally tres cold) because it was so hot out. Felt GREAT. That plunge of being freezing first and then the numbing of your toes until the temperature is comfortable. Lovely. After our dip and a dry in the sun, we headed up to the Starboard for Bloody Marys and some lunch. After that, straight back to the sand for a glorious afternoon of sun bathing, swimming, talking, and laughing. It felt so great.
Joy of joys. I am also currently working on getting a real tan this summer - not because I think it looks good (though it certainly does) and not for any vain reasons, but mainly because I will spending a month on St. John's in the Caribbean, and being a girl with fair skin, I've GOT to have color on my skin before I head down there. It's not even a choice but a necessity, though I supposed I can embrace this "chore" if I must. Otherwise I will literally burn to a crisp down there. I've been down to El Caribe many many times, but never for this long. I get to live in basically a tree house! I'm so stoked. It hasn't hit me yet (probably because I haven't made my flight reservation, that's this week though!) and when it does -watch out, I will be in full on dynamite mode. Granted I have to finish my show I'm in right now for the summer, quit work, and perform another round of '4f' with the Gossip Factory, but I am island bound and I couldn't be happier. It has been a goal/dream of mine to live in the Caribbean (hey! a month counts! after all, I may not come home!!!) for as long as I can remember and I'm going to get to live it out. I want to learn to sail, and maybe if I can find someone to teach me, to surf. I'll be working in exchange for my stay there and I will probably be cleaning toilets, BUT I'll be cleaning toilets in paradise!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't wait! This will be me in about 3 months!!!
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