Sweet deal!!!
One of the offices where I work is down the hall from the Recording Academy, and lemme tell yah - good for us today!!!
They are getting ready to move into a new office, and while I was over in the area for a meeting someone told me they were giving away all their leftover cd's! WHOA!
So excited, and not one to EVER EVER turn down free music, I hopped on over to see if I could find some good stuff - boy did I!
I got about 20 cd's - which at first I felt a little bad about but there were boxes and boxes and they WANT us to take it, so screw that, FREE MUSIC! I got a bunch of rock, some jazz and world music, some blues, a couple country, and a few classicals - SO EXCITED. While I don't normally listen to CD's anymore - thank you iPod - I do still listen in my car and have many in my fam that DO listen to CD's (again, mainly in car, but still!!!) and so I was able to get some presents for people too! SUH-WEEEEET.
In other news I am exhausted, despite getting a fair amount of sleep lately. Just don't want to get up in the morning, which really is nothing new, but it's been EXTRA hard lately. Full time job and this touring children's show is proving to be quite the committment - not that I'm complaing mind you, but it is taking up a lot of my time (obvi). I just feel stretched thin a little - falling behind in other aspects. I'm trying to be supportive of my entrepreneurial boyfriend (who is doing quite well, I just wish I could be there to help him out a little more with the pup and other things). I did take the pup to the vet on Monday morning instead of coming into work - he has a cough!!! No kennel cough thankfully, but a little respiratory infection, so had to get him some antibiotics and keep him quiet this week (no doggie daycare til Friday!!!) which is a task that is nearly IMPOSSIBLE.
Once again I feel like I haven't been very social at all with my roomie, but she is busy too, so no worries there I guess. I'm headed out of town (AGAIN) this weekend to spend some time with my mom one on one while my lil sis is in Cali. We are going to New Hope, PA and Lambertville, NJ for some antiquing, shopping, good dinners and a stay at a B and B. Things both my mom and I enjoy, while my sister prefers a much more ACTIVE type of mini-vaca, which she is getting right now out in Cali at my Aunt and Uncle's house/farm - riding horses, mucking stalls, helping with various animals, and hopefully utilizing their beautifully re-landscaped pool area - all while trying to rehab her left knee from her ACL tear. =( Poor kid, I can't imagine...
Anyway, should be a nice weekend. Where oh where did summer go?!?!?!
Started HP but haven't read past the 7th chapter- DON'T ANYONE TELL ME A DAMN THING OR I WILL CUT YOU - and am very anxious to finish that but am awaiting my copy (I started my dad's copy in Pittsburgh last weekend) from my mom - AH! Also trying to avoid the internet so I don't hear any spoilers.
La Lohan was arrested AGAIN. Oh Lindsay, my love for you continues to head in a downward spiral - WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO DRIVE YOURSELF?!!? You are rich enough to hire a DRIVER. ALL THE TIME. This is what I don't get about celebrities and drunk driving - YOU HAVE THE MEANS TO TAKE A CAB ALL THE TIME. Hell, you have the means to have a private car and driver - USE IT! Jesus.
Ok well this is random and all over the place, I have to pee and I'm getting hungry for lunch.